News — Stratasys Cartridge Refill

Inside the Intricate World of ABS Plastic: Exploring the Supply Chain and Chemical Process

Inside the Intricate World of ABS Plastic: Exploring the Supply Chain and Chemical Process

Have you ever looked at a plastic toy or your M2 Materials filament and wondered how it was made? The answer lies in the intricate world of supply chains and chemical processes. One of the most popular plastics is ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene), which is widely used in the manufacturing of toys, automotive parts, and household items. In this article, we will take a deep dive into the supply chain and chemical process of making ABS plastic, including its price trends, major suppliers, and original sources. What is ABS plastic? ABS plastic is a thermoplastic polymer made from three monomers:...

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“Feats of Strength” - A 3D Printing Case Study With M2 Materials

“Feats of Strength” - A 3D Printing Case Study With M2 Materials

Contrary to popular belief, everyone has trusted an engineer with their life. In fact, every time you get in an elevator, drive over a bridge, or lay down to sleep you are putting your life in the hands of an engineer. Majority of the time we lend this trust without a single ounce of hesitation but, would you trust a 3D printed part with your life? Our engineer said he would, read on to see if he survived. The Evolution of 3D Printing The 3D printing industry has witnessed significant development since its inception in 1981. In particular, additive manufacturing...

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